why you are always hungry ? It is natural to feel hunger. Because usually the body needs food for energy. It’s not surprising that you can feel hungry when you haven’t eaten for three to four hours, but it might not start if your stomach is still crying. Even if you just have not eaten long. Maybe your body is giving you some warning signs. Anyone who knows that he is often hungry Let’s take a look at what causes it can be.

1. Diabetes
Usually, your body converts the sugar in the food you eat into glucose. Which is the source of energy But if you are diabetic Glucose cannot enter cells and the body will expel it with urine instead. When the body is not getting energy It will signal you to eat more food. Especially people with type 1 diabetes who may eat a lot. But the body weight continues to drop
2. Not enough sleep
Sleep and hunger are related. This is because not getting enough rest can affect the hormones in the body that control hunger. People who do not get enough sleep often suffer from hunger more often than usual. And how much you eat will not feel full It also has the opportunity to crave foods rich in fat and calories when tired. For other effects caused by low sleep, such as mood swings. Sleepy during the day There is a greater chance of accidents. Not enthusiastic, etc.
3. Stress
When you are anxious or stressed Your body releases a hormone called cortisol, which can make you feel more hungry. People who are under stress also have a craving for foods that are high in sugar or fat. Because your body may try to stop the part of your brain that makes you feel anxious. For other symptoms that may be found when stressed, such as irritability, weakness, headache, trouble sleeping. Upset stomach, etc.