Whats office syndrome ? Talking about illnesses near the office workers, they probably lack ‘Office Syndrome’ . It’s called being together every era, every time. You don’t have to wait for yourself. Because new graduates who have just started working for a long time have all experienced this disease.
The main cause of office syndrome caused by sitting in a chair for a long time plus sitting in the wrong position until the muscle is inflamed And there is aches and pains that follow. In the beginning, there may be pain in the basic level that is tolerable. But over time, it may become a chronic pain and may also have other complications. Such as headache, eye socket pain, blurred vision, herniated disc herniated disc and scoliosis which if left until that day I can tell you that I suffer to the point that I can’t concentrate.
For people in the office who have symptoms Aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, shoulders, back pain, headache, socket pain, blurred vision, numbness of arms and hands. If it’s been around for a while, you should see your doctor for proper treatment. Or if you start having back pain or shoulder pain. It is advisable to get up from your chair every hour to stretch your posture. Also can use an ergonomic work chair and exercise regularly to stretch and strengthen your muscles.