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Tag Archives: benefits

Consuming dates to get the most benefits

Dates are a sweet fruit that is rich in many important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, which are believe to have antioxidant properties, prevent cancer, and treat certain diseases. And dates are rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, which are believe to help

Benefits of artificial sweeteners.

There are many types of artificial sweeteners. Including Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, Neotame, Saccharin or saccharin, Stevia or extracts from stevia  and Sucralose. Although they provide a sweet taste close to natural sugar. And use only a small amount to get several times more sweetness menu. Artificial sweeteners have

Tips for preventing plaque and tartar buildup.

Plaque can be one of the causes of bacterial infection in the gums and teeth. In addition to causing various gum and tooth diseases. Research has found that this bacteria may be related to other health problems such as heart disease. Therefore, people of all

Benefits of Fluoride.

Fluoride can be used to help reduce the occurrence of tooth decay. Making teeth more resistant to decay in the early stages. In addition, fluoride also plays a part in the process of erupting permanent teeth in children under 6 years of age. Increasing resistance to acids caused

Causes of tooth decay.

Many people may have heard about tooth decay caused by tooth decay. But in fact, it is just a belief. The main factor that causes tooth decay is bacteria in the mouth. Which reacts with the food eaten and causes the process of tooth decay in the following order: