Side effects caused by eating too many bananas.

“Bananas” are many people’s favorite fruits. As we all know, bananas are rich in fiber and dietary fiber, as well as many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. In addition, people like to eat bananas to fill up their stomachs. It can be said that it is a good helper during dieting. However, many people may not know that if we eat too many bananas, it can cause negative effects without our knowing. And these are the side effects that may occur if we consume too many bananas.
1. Weight gain
Compared to cookies or chips, bananas provide fewer calories, but they still contain enough calories to help you gain weight. A medium banana contains 105 calories. So if you’re looking for a low-calorie snack to satisfy hunger every two to three hours, bananas may not be the best choice. Opt for fruits that are high in water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, and peaches, which are better snack options because they’re lower in calories, high in fiber, and help you feel full longer.
2. Migraine
If you suffer from severe migraines, you may want to avoid bananas altogether. This is because bananas contain tyramine, a substance found in many foods such as cheese, fish, meat and bananas, which can trigger migraine headaches. Since banana peels contain 10 times more tyramine than the flesh of a banana, extra care should be taken to remove the fibrous skin from the banana before eating it.
3. Hyperkalemia
It is well known that bananas contain potassium, which is good for you. However, there is a catch: too much potassium can lead to a condition called hyperkalemia, which is characterized by rapid heart rate, nausea, and irregular heartbeats, which can lead to a heart attack. The average banana contains about 420 milligrams of potassium. The recommended daily intake is 4,700 milligrams, which is about 11 bananas. You should not eat 7 or more bananas at one time.
4. Tooth decay
Since bananas are high in starch, they can cause tooth decay if proper dental hygiene is not maintained. Some studies have found that bananas can be more harmful to your oral health than chocolate, licorice, and chewing gum. This is because starch dissolves slowly in the mouth, while sugar dissolves faster. When you eat a banana, its particles can stay between your teeth for up to 2 hours. As a result, they attract more bacteria and cause more tooth decay.
5. Sleepy
Is eating bananas for breakfast a good idea? Because many people may not know that bananas can make you feel sleepy even though you have just started the day. Because bananas are rich in probiotics, which are amino acids that reduce the efficiency of alertness. Which not only makes you feel sleepy, bananas also have a high amount of magnesium, which is a mineral that helps relax muscles. This is a good property for before bed. Therefore, eating bananas as a snack in the evening is the best.
6. Stomach ache
Bananas are easily digested and can help relieve stomach aches. They are naturally antacids and can help relieve symptoms such as indigestion. This potassium-rich fruit also increases the production of mucus in the stomach, which helps prevent irritation โปรโมชั่น ufabet of the stomach lining. However, eating unripe bananas can cause stomach aches or nausea along with stomach aches. This is because unripe bananas are high in starch, which takes a long time for the body to digest. Eating large amounts can cause immediate vomiting or diarrhea.
7. Constipation
I believe many people must be surprised when told that bananas cause constipation. Because it has always been known that bananas help with the functioning of the intestines and help solve constipation problems. But that only applies to ripe bananas. On the other hand, unripe bananas are rich in starch and have a high amount of tannic acid that has an inhibitory effect on the digestive system