Frozen ready meals is it really dangerous?

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Frozen ready meals It is an alternative food for those. Who are in a hurry and have limit time because it is convenient, fast. Can be bought and can be easily made and eaten by themselves. Before frozen ready meals became edible. There are many processes and substances. Here are some tips for consuming frozen process foods in order not to be harmful to health.  

Process for producing frozen ready meals

Frozen ready meals are processed foods that come from food preservation. By refrigerating the temperature -20 degrees helps reduce the enzyme reaction. reduce the activity of microorganisms resulting in maintaining nutritional value and reduce spoilage  

The dangers of frozen ready meals

  • In meat and seafood, there are phosphate compounds to prevent rancidity will coat this substance in food before freezing. Which if there is a lot of this substance will be dangerous cause allergic reactions Irritating to the skin.
  • Preservatives Frozen process foods often contain preservatives. Which if consume in normal quantities. The body is excrete in the urine. But if preservatives receive in large quantities. Will cause food poisoning, diarrhea, or if preservatives are taken for a long time. Toxins will accumulate can result in cancer.
  • Food explodes in the microwave Frozen process foods must be reheat before they can eat. Most often, microwaves use to reheat containers such as plastic or cardboard. When heat in the microwave. It can cause burns or if the steam is not vented while reheating in the microwave. There might be an explosion as well.
  • incomplete nutrition Frozen process food will reduce the nutritional value of meat. It can see from the color. Such as pork, beef, from red to brown. 

Tips for Consuming Frozen Ready Meals

  • Choose a container that does not deteriorate, has no leaks, tears, and notices that the label will be written. Able Microwave (Microwaveabel) or microwave safe (Microwave save) containers. That use in the microwave. Should not be reuse again. Because there will be residue from the container can cause cancer.
  • A microwave is a heating tool. During the reheating be sure to drill holes in the plastic sheet to vent the steam. If no holes drill to vent the food. That is heat in the microwave. An explosion can be dangerous.
  • The label must provide nutritional information. and detailed information such as production date, expiration date, consumption method food components, etc.
  • Selection of useful food menus from all 5 groups, especially vegetable menus. or lean meats